We have been confirmed for a few events so far this summer, we are waiting to hear from more....
Catch us in, or between these places;
We will be making our maiden voyage into the heart of Herefordshire to be at Pick Up Sticks
May 11th -13th 2012 - http://pickupsticks2012.wordpress.com
(Booking necessary - RSVP through the website)
We will be in Somerset for June, appearing at Sunrise Festival
June 21st-24th 2012 - http://sunrisecelebration.com/performers/pedallers-kitchen
Green Gathering in Chepstow
August 2nd - 5th - http://www.greengathering2012.co.uk/
We are VERY please to announce that you can now also see us at Shambala Festival
August 23rd - 27th - www.shabmalafestival.org
As summer turns to autumn we shall be appearing at Abergavenny Food Festival
September 15th&16th 2012 - http://www.abergavennyfoodfestival.com/
If you would like us to take part in your event, or you'd like us to pay you a visit please contact us, see 'contact us' section.